The Spinal Wave
The Spinal Wave is at the heart of Spinal Flow Technique, waiting to ripple through the body and allow the body’s innate healing intelligence to flow. The Spinal Wave connects all 7 gateways of the spine and unleashes profound wellbeing in the body.
This is not unique to Spinal Flow and is used at the centre of many modalities. Dr. Carli, who developed Spinal Flow Technique has learnt from the following teachers or studied the following modalities that are all centred around the concept of a spinal wave. These are Bio-Geometric Integration, Torque Release Technique, Network Chiropractic (Dr. Donald Epstein) , Kundalini Yoga, Cranial Osteopathy, Inner Dance and Inner Guidance. The spinal wave is another name for chi, love, spirit, soul, essence, innate intelligence and life force. Dr Carli chose to name this essence as the spinal wave and this represents the life force that is within us.