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Frequently Asked Questions

The Spinal Flow Technique restores balance to
the nervous system using safe gentle touches

› Are Spinal Flow entrainments or adjustments painful?

Spinal Flow Technique consist of light touches at specific areas of the spine. There are no sudden movements or cavitation (cracking).  At times, the touches are so light that they are barely felt.  It is a gentle approach, safe and not painful, and is very suitable, for example, for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia and osteoporosis.

› What is an entrainment and why is there more than one person in the room receiving care at the same time?

Your body contains an autonomic mechanism that synchronizes you with strong, external rhythms, pulses or beats; a phenomenon known as an entrainment. Actually, we entrain to the rhythms around us all the time, but most of the time we are not aware of it. An entrainment occurs when different parts of a system are in harmony with others and thus operate with higher efficiency. We can observe this phenomenon when a group of birds synchronize their movements with each other so that they can fly more efficiently and for such long periods.

That is why Spinal Flow adjustments are given in an open room with more than one person at a time.  We mutually entrain each other, increasing the benefit of care.

› I’m pregnant. Can I receive Spinal Flow Technique?

Yes, you can!  You and your baby can safely receive a Spinal Flow adjustment. In fact, for your health and the wellbeing of your baby, and to ensure that your body is functioning at its optimum potential, we highly recommend it.

› How long does a Spinal Flow adjustment last?

A Spinal Flow session usually lasts about 20 minutes for an adult. Initial care is done while lying down on your stomach on the treatment table. In advanced care , you can be either on your side, on your back and sometimes in a seated position.  In all entrainments you are fully clothed.


›How long do I need to come for care?

The recommended visit frequency for you will depend on your body’s current condition and on your goals for health and wellness. Some individuals are satisfied after their symptoms go away and stop care.  However, most continue to receive care since they notice significant and constant improvements in their general health and wellbeing.

Level 1- to help the body find blockages of the spine and start releasing the layers of physical mental and emotional tension stored in the body: lasts about 2 months at a frequency of 2-3 times a week

Level 2- uncovers stored trauma that’s been in the body for a long time, causing blockages, disease, and illness. This stage lasts about 3 to 9 months at a frequency of 2 to 4 times a month

Level 3- Integration and maintenance of wellbeing . Frequency: – according to personal objectives

› Why is the initial intensive period is so important in Spinal Flow care?

Like learning a musical instrument, the strategies of Spinal Flow are developed with repetition. It’s in this initial intensive period that your nervous system realises that it is functionning in defense physiology and that it would be preferable that it utilises new strategies to move from defense into safety and from safety into growth.

› Why do you mostly touch the skull and pelvis?

When we receive Spinal Flow, the therapist delivers light touches to specific access point to the nervous system. Those access points are mostly located in the area of the skull and pelvis (sacrum and coccyx), and communicate directly to the frontal cortex of the brain.  Spinal Flow stimulates the prefrontal cortex and activates profound changes in the body.

› I heard that a wave develops during Spinal Flow care.  What is this all about?

When we receive Spinal Flow Technique a healing wave is developed in the body and allows the body’s innate healing intelligence to flow. The Spinal Wave connects all 7 gateways of the spine and unleashes profound wellbeing in the body.

This wave generates an undulating movement in the form of a wave felt either as a movement, breath or a sensation along the spine and permits re-organisation of the system.   A substantial increase of wellbeing is attributed to this phenomena.

› Who developed the Spinal Flow Technique?

Dr Carli Axford’s experience as a former chiropractor has given her deep expertise in healing the spine, nervous system and body.

Her understanding of how to run successful clinics, workshops and retreats have shown her the body’s ability to transform, so Dr Carli now specialises in teaching this to others.

Graduating with a double chiropractic degree from RMIT university gave Dr Carli the doctor title, but it’s her wisdom as a hands-on practitioner that helped her develop the transformative Spinal Flow Technique.

Dr Carli knows what works to help people discover the innate intelligence that exists inside them, allowing their body’s healing abilities to flow by expanding the Spinal Wave that exists inside all of us.

Pain is just one of the signals our wise body sends when it is struggling with stress or illness. Spinal Flow Technique tunes in to what the body is trying to say to enable spinal blockages to be released and transform their wellbeing.